Articles tagged Fluor

  • Industry Brief

    Denali -- The Alaska Gas Pipeline LLC awarded an engineering contract for the gas treatment plant on its proposed pipeline from Alaska's North Slope to serve Lower 48 markets to Fluor WorleyParsons Arctic Solutions. The contract covers the services required during the initial design phase of the project for the plant. Major contract elements include a series of technical studies, development of the project design basis, project execution planning, cost estimating, schedule development and other services. The plant, to be located on the North Slope, will remove carbon dioxide, water, hydrogen sulfide and other impurities from the gas before it is shipped in the pipeline. It will also provide initial gas chilling and compression. It will be the largest plant of its type on earth, and will have process modules weighing up to 9,000 tons.

  • Industry Briefs

    Duke/Fluor Daniel has been awarded a contract by West GeorgiaGenerating Co. L.P., a subsidiary of Sonat Energy Services, toprovide engineering, procurement and construction services for a650 MW dual fuel, gas and distillate oil-fired power plant in UpsonCounty, GA. The power plant will be designed to use four PG7241(FA) gas turbines in simple-cycle operation. The $180 million powerplant, which will be built within the Thomaston Industrial Park inUpson County, is expected to be fully operational by June 1, 2000.A significant portion of the electricity from the plant will besold to Georgia Power under an existing power sales agreement.

  • In Brief

    Duke/Fluor Daniel said it has been awarded a turnkey contract byPanda Paris Power LP, to provide engineering, procurement,construction and start-up services for a proposed 1,000 MWgas-fired power plant in Paris, TX. "Power from the plant will bedistributed through TU Electric and will be sold to members of theElectric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), the Southwest PowerPool (SPP) and other users," said a spokesman for Dallas-basedPanda Energy, parent company of Panda Paris Power. Commercialoperation of the combined cycle power plant is scheduled for summer2000. Construction will begin next March.