Updated Sep 25, 2024
Daily, weekly & bidweek natural gas price index data
First-of-month natural gas pricing data
Daily natural gas price index data
Forward curve prices of natural gas in North America
Mexico natural gas pricing data & fundamentals
Insight into tomorrow's natural gas prices and historical data
Weekly natural gas price index data
Pricing and market developments for shale and unconventional plays
First-of-month natural gas pricing, data, and market insights
Daily natural gas price indexes, market insights, data, & more
Mexico natural gas pricing, fundamentals, analysis, data, & news
Real-time news, insights and markets coverage
Pricing, data, and market developments for shale and unconventional plays
Weekly natural gas price indexes, market insights, data, & more
Senior Client Success Manager Dulles, VA
Cristina joined NGI in 2013 to provide administrative and customer support. She continues to fulfill those roles, along with technical troubleshooting and customer engagement.